Monday, December 31, 2007
Years fly pass like a shooting star. with only a tail of dusts to be trance and lost itself in the atmosphere of planets Earth.Looking back at 2007, I had gained alot of dreams, wishes and goals but none are fulfilled. People might say, "If that the case, then you are a failure in year 2007." If I am who i am 3 years ago, I will agreed to it, if i did gain alot of dreams, wishes and goals yet at the same time not fulfilling any.If I am who i am 2 years ago, I will just ignore it but remember that person and hold a grudge toward him or her.If I am who i am a year ago, I will bear with it cause i finally had my first official long term job. Told by my parents and character buildup since young age, I will just treat bear with it yet at the same time looking down at myself too.And today, I will just agree, yet i will also give a reply saying, although i had not achieved any goals, complete my wishes and dreams but this year I had learn and gain something that dreams, wishes and goals can't give me. Although right now, I may appear to be a failure to most I had lived my life to my fullest in the past 5months. Now with a new Goal set and a more realistic dream, I will work towards it. Goal for 2008, Weight loss, to achievement my healthy weight of 55kg, there is one thing that I will only do it once i had achieve this weight. Hope i can do it.If possible enrol myself in a part-time degree, otherwise retake of my English paper at least.Tried my best at my working place, try not to get involved in "political" struggle and hope to get a pay raise haha :pThat all I had planned for 2008, may all my friends who read my blog, be blessed and Happy for Eternity.To mark the ending of 2007, here is something i think i read it up somewhere."We learn the most from failing yet, at the same time, we grow from it. When we taste too much success and no failures, Life become too boring. If I am a person with Power and Authority, and my life are full of success and no failures to bring shades to my lifes. I will destory the whole world in less than a minute to bring an end to this boring world. Failures may taste bitter, but without understanding the taste of bitter, how are we able to understand the sweetness of a Success."
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 11:45 PM;
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Today is thursday 27th December 2007.
Don't know why, out of the blue in the morning i suddenly felt super emo. And actually it got worst as the days goes by. Actually I can't say that I'm not able to trance the beginning of this emo track. But don't felt like talking about it.
What make it worst could be negative conversation i had.
Haha, Nevemind about it ba. Anyway as i had agree to write down about what presents i had recieve for my birthday. I'm here to give a sweet recap of what i was given for my 25th years old birthday present, starting from the earliest I had recieved.
First, An Adidas watch from my uncle which i recieve about 2 weeks before my birthday. Then on a day before my birthday,a part 1 present from Gordon, a photograph of me, myself taken on a bus, then a Lovely Necklance with starlets pendant from Yaoming, follow by Hung She and Celine, hungshe give me a cute Piglet handphone placer (I think, i dono how they call it.) and a lovely handphone pouch and a elegant mickey mouse small bag. And shixuan's present too, although he not able to give it to me directly, his present is a lovely comb and Doraemon handphone hanger. Then follow a combine present from Farhan and Johnathan, a Big Teddy Bear, i had named her Monica :p, btw, her picture is show on 21st Dec post. After a few more days, i recieve my part 2 present from Gordon, it is that lovely cute Turtle also had its' picture post on 21st Dec.
Actually i wanted to post all the pictures of my present, find it abit hard to post cause like the photo i had taken for the necklance, it did not turn out that well, the crystal on it reflect the flash too well that make the picture look weird. And most important of all, i'm laze to link all the picture haha :p
So i think i will end this post here. Take care for all and sleep well :D
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 11:56 PM;
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Today is Christmas. This year is a weird christmas for me. As normally at this time of the year, i will normally had planning to goes out. But this year, i was very 'guai' staying at home whole day. Even my planning of wanted to go gym oso cancel due to laziness.
Anyway wishing all who read my blog a Merry X'mas. Haha
Nothing much to write. oh ya, just now fliping through my little notebook. It seem like i used to take a lot of tiny notes of writing ideas. I wonder should i contiune to write those notes haha and try to write short essay? If i write, i think my english will fail me badly... as my english grammar and vocab are horrible. haha.
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 9:57 PM;
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Today is the second last sunday for 2007. Nothing much to be update actually. Just that got abit weird haha. Actually quite looking forward for tomorrow as tomorrow is x'mas eve but this year eve abit boring, till now had no planning. Think 1 of the reason could be cause i'm broke haha.Okie, so just now I watched X-Men then now watching The Mummy. Speaking of The Mummy, now Singapore Science Centre is having exhibition from Egpyt. I felt like going there to watch and explore sia. How i miss those days when i'm craze over Ancient Civilisation before i love those IT Gadgets and stuffs. Although i still love history.It seems like I'm alway having different interestes since young age but what interest me the most is still history, manga, IT gadgets gadgets and things about vampires. Science also interesting but don't know why, i love it and hate it at the same time. Is this what it is like to be in love with someone too?Haha, today really i felt so weird as i felt like digging out my real handwritten dairy to flip and see haha. Lol anyway, just to roughly place an end to my blog today. Here is the part of a song lyrics that i had hear from from a friends :D"If you never say goodbyeTo the best thing in your lifeThere are things you dont appreciateAt all"I find it quite meaningful, cause in life, we will never learn to appreciate something unless we had lost it. So would like to guess the song name and sing by who? Answer at my tag box :p lol. My dear friend who had introduce this song to me is not allow to answer :p
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 11:35 PM;
Friday, December 21, 2007

My 25th years old Birthday Present

My 25th years old Birthday Present
Haha, I had not been updating my blog since sunday... Lol Today, is finally friday le. Maybe just a recap of a rough idea of wat happen from Monday to friday ba.
Monday and Tuesday i was done for CCPE Development training, Presentation Skill Workshop. On Tues, i watched Alvin and the Chipmunks finally although is watching alone. Felt so lonely...
Then wednesday, went back to school to work. Wah, 1 whole week never go back to school to work felt so weird haha. Oh ya, i also found out where is my new seating place. I used tosit in the HOD room, now got 'throw' to staffroom le. The funny part is, i'm taking Mr. M's seat and he is taking over my seat in HOD room. lol. In the evening, i went to pasir ris to eat dinner and do some tiny bits of roaming around in the arcade, with gg and ct. After that we went back to TM to get FH's present. The experience of buying FH's present can be listed as 1 of my life most funny experience. Really sia, i notice hor, when i go out with gg, will saw alot of ppl he know de... Then at the shop where we buy FH's present, the salesgirls also know him. They were smiling so widely when they saw him. lol reason for that, maybe once after FH got his present then i post bah, provided i still remember.
Thursday, went gym with CT, supposed to go in the morning, but raining weathers so being a sleepyhead, i was super happy when ct sms to postpone it haha. After the gym, we go to the coffeeshop near her house. Then i wanted to order laksa but she keep saying can't as it will waste my effort for working out just now. But ended up, i did not waste any of it.... Cause after finishing eating, while siting down to rest, my aunt call and ask me to go Singapore Recreation Club for swimming... My gosh, first is gym then evening is swimming. Long time never had such a workout fill day sia...
Then today friday when i woke up, i felt so dead. Really my limbs don't felt like it belong to me, yet there is so much pains. How i wish i can get rid of my nerve system, then won't felt so painful le...
Today is sec 1 registration day. First time helping out in this officially. Last year was like just helping answering phone call and doing things that sometimes cause more troubles instead. But this year round, along with 1 other teacher, Xiaofen, we are ask to tend to the 'Transfer out' Counter. LoL, Alot of teachers come asking did that highest scores student come and apply for transfer whenever they saw me. But if i were them, i sure would ask too, as this child can be a major source of Distinction for the school in the future O lvl. But according to our record, although quite a number come but their appeal can't be enterain as they don't fit our 4 major conditions. So in actual fact, i'm not sure if that highest scorer had transfer school or not.
Then Finally i was to 'move' house le. With Mr M and his assistant help, they move all my barang barang over to the new 'house'. Here some picture to show after i had set up my desktop.

My new 'house'

My new 'house'

My new 'house'
Although I won't say it is neat but to be true lar, quite small lol, as i was used to big table, even at home my table oso quite big. Although super messy :p
Then after all these i totally forgotten that as i reported to work at 7.30am, i can leave at 4.30pm.
So in the end, i leave my working place at 5.30pm. crap sia wasted one hour working for free. Then after that saw one friend of mine in TM, he was shopping with his GF. The gf so haolian... say my friend got end of year bonus promise to get her a ring for engagement. So crappy sia, as i don't had bonus at all lor, and whether can get it also depend on luck le and how much I am able to get.
But after that reach home, see my parents, the unhappiness all gone hehe. so nevermind lar, even if i don't had bonus, i still can eat at home haha :p
Think i will stop here ba. LoL attached 2 of my favourite birthday present for this year haha. :p
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 10:25 PM;
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wahaha, today is sunday. In Singapore, Mediacorps, we got the 红星大奖. But i never watch, cause I don't like to wait for the results to be announce haha, so instead i rather wait for all things to end le then I go website see result.
Lol, so I watched Independance Day on Star Movies. Will Smith rock sia :X
Oh ya today I don't know but i think i might had angered a friend due to my irritating words and actions. Hope when this blog is post, I can find out the answer.
Anyway, after watching Independance Day, it make me wanted to watch " I am Legend". But i also wanted to watch "Alvin and the Chipmunks", Theodore look so cute!!!!!!!
Later got to watch X-Men on Star Movies haha.
Anyway just to close this post, here is what i hear today on tv. Although i find it crap but as this is not the first time i'm hearing it, so i just post it up for entertaining. oh ya this line had nothing to do with my post today, so don't anyhow link and mislead my meaning :p
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 8:20 PM;
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Cute Baby Looney
Hao sian, taken 5 days leave like that gone already. I felt like I had never rest at all sia.
Today gone to watch a Thai movie, Citizen Dog, wah, pengz the movie song so funny in thai suppose to be super lovely dovey but from what we hear, directly meanings totally change. haha. and hell sia, i got frighten by an idiot who sit beside me at the end of movie :p
Then after that head to that place again. Today never saw tt ah gua there. lol i think hor, i keep getting bully by the who sia. Play those brain teaser game, i win him by 1 point only and he sabotage my answer. Play it twice oso like tt lor.
Oh ya this morning, we suppose to meet at 9.30 at TMMRT. Those who know me long will know lar, i'm a late comer type as i'm alway late. Today i was not the latest sia. Got YM later then me, worst is hor when the who call him, he just woke up in the morning and when i'm reaching TMRT, the who say YM still at home ask me not to rush. So i delay here abit delay there abit then take MRT to Pasir Ris and U-Turn back then when about to U-turn, i recieve sms from the who say his bus reaching TMMRT -_- winner lor. His bus must be speeding :p so ended up i was still not the earliest to reach.
Anyway, from that place i got a Winnie the Pooh, then after that they play hide and seek, at 1st was that if they can find me, then buy the walking pet balloon, Reindeer de for Winnie. To speak the true, i don't like playing hide&seek, got alot of bad memories from young. But seeing that they want to play it that much, so join lor. They are abit lousy at finding me when i'm hiding but once i'm out super easy to find me :p think coz my size too big to be missed :p
But while letting them searching for me and time ending soon and YM hor i walk pass him he also never notice -_-. Then i pretend going into the shop then come out finally he notice haha.But that was the 2nd time of the Hide&Seek.
Then after that we gone to buy bubble tea hehe :p and this time round is i seek them out. Freaky sia -_-, the guys are easier to sense out their location then the little girl. Lol i think is time to tune my sensor sia :X haiz, nevermind lar, i don't wan to contiune type about the hide&seek le. Really bring alot of bad memories i had.
Was typing halfway then out of the blue dono why don't felt like typing le.
I was spending 3hrs to think of what to say or type in this blog.
Just to bring a close to today post. I'm alway saying wrong things at wrong times. Without my own knowledge, I'm alway losing friends with my actions and words. Since childhood age, the numbers of friends i had lost are so numerous that i could no longer count or remember their names any more. I know this bad habit of mine had make lost a lot of friends and Jas had always keep reminding me to change or get rid of such bad habit. I had been trying and failing, but I'm still changing. Please forgive me, my friend(s).
Specially to 1 friend out there, I am really sorry for alway irritating you. I know I had been making alot of empty promises about not making such jokes to disturb you. I'm really sorry for all my actions.
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 9:06 PM;
Friday, December 14, 2007
Years had passed since i last update my blog on here. Recently specially the past 12months had been super happening in my entire life. I had my first long term contact job. Know alot of new friends and with help from a old friend notice my inner self. All along, I thought i only had demons in my soul. But this whole year, from these friends, i notice i'm like all other humans, I still having human feelings in me. Since my last blog here, 29th July 2005, alot of things had happen in my life.Don't know why, i suddenly had a urge to type out what major things that had happen to me. Could it be cause i had been bottling up too many things in my heart? I really don't know about it already.Anyway, this blog is supposed to mark a start of a good beginning again.Oh ya this time round, i had help from my young friend to teach me to update the blog with laze method haha. Unlike last time, I had to do softcoding myself to update hehe, which make me lazy to do anything about it. lolLol alot of things i wanted to type out in this post that happen this whole week but i can't. Anyway, friends, I'm really happy for this week. I had a long time never spend my birthday in such a happening way. Although i did also spend alot of money too. Lol.This morning got quite a nagging haha cause for spending too much.Erm maybe to round up abit from what i felt after 2 days from my 25th Birthday celebration (haha). I wonder, with so many mistakes and wrong steps i had taken in life, can i still achieve the happiness i wanted? These fews days, those funs i had, there are times which i would wonder, could it be true or just a dream that once i wake up will be back to few years ago? Just like when i first created this blog? Was it aging that cause such thinking in me or was it just a PMS attack? haha lol XD
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 9:46 PM;