Final Resting Place, Trust no Humans, no matter how innocent they appear to be.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Was that a sign for me to change my phone or just a plain sign to show that I'm starting to go down the alley of bad luck?
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 10:52 PM;

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Now the school i'm working in is having Mid-Year Examinations.
Most of the English department teachers, specially those teaching in the upper sec are helping me in my english revision. Realise i had been slacking too much, was it a stupid idea to retake my O lvl english? Am i happily digging my own grave? lol I noticed there are alot of mistakes that i make now similar to those i made during my secondary years. Stupid grammars mistakes, singlish, all those mistakes that are on similar par with a primary school kid's level. Felt like giving up on my english but almost SG$150 had been spend. I know what kind of mistake i'm always making but it seem to me that i'm not making any efforts to changes my old habits. Think i will keep trying to change till the day of my exam? lol
Maybe history will repeat and ended getting a D7 again? haha hope not, maybe worst an F9 or U is something quite possible. Haiz think now i just ignore what i'll be getting concentrate on my work and trying to improve my english.

Anyway, recently, being a kpo, i found out that 2 girls in school had fallen for the same guy. Actually one of them i knew it quite sometimes ago, but the other girl i just knew it recently. I was wondering what will both the girls do to each other if they found out that they are rivalries in love. As from what i saw, they are quite close to each other now. Am i waiting to see shows, i also don't know.... but if really ask me to support i think i will support that guy's decision.

Okie, some personal feedbacks on being an invigilator, super bored!!!!!!! I'm alway worring that i'll be creating alot of noises with every movement i make. I really don't know, and whenever i'm invigilating, could be due to the silence and not doing anything expect looking around at the students. A lot of things ran through my mind. Some of the thoughts are like running in the speed of light some are in slow motion lol. Maybe too bored is a deadly diease.

Oh ya, some comments to my previous blog... don't think too deep to what i had posted. I just had that sudden thinking when i hear that song nothing more to it.

[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 4:30 PM;

Butterfly Emerging from the Winter Soil
A simple girl who had great dreams that can't be fufill due to the unresting cycle of life.
Born on 12th Dec
Alway in my dreamland of isolation, yet at the same time alway wish that some1 can pull me out of this dream.

To slim down to a healthy weight range before June 2009

Hot weather

Weapons of the Intel


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