Final Resting Place, Trust no Humans, no matter how innocent they appear to be.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lol I'm posting from Melaka, my last night here. Just wondering what can i do lol don't felt like sleeping haha :p

Think i will get post like that when get back to Singapore at 11th June late evening then update further :p
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 1:36 AM;

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Halo haha, i'm posting from Meleka. Just posting for fun. Details post up again when i'm arrived back in singapore 11th Jun late afternoon hopefully or evening haha :p
[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 1:29 AM;

Sunday, June 01, 2008


lol, really nothing to write. Recently I have been reading a bit too much of chinese novel specially those lovely dovey kind. So suddenly out of the blue wanted to write a story. Above is a short paragraph of what i was thinking of writing haha. Ya, i know i should be concentrate on writing english comp instead of those funny chinese short story.

Any way maybe i just want to update my blog abit haha. Oh ya the school i'm working in, got into the final for the Kindness Cheer Competition, so even Sunday i had to go and work lol help the teachers. really felt like starting to try and write abit short chinese novel like story haha. But what kind of story lines should i go into? lol

[*]The glass butterfly broke @ 12:34 AM;

Butterfly Emerging from the Winter Soil
A simple girl who had great dreams that can't be fufill due to the unresting cycle of life.
Born on 12th Dec
Alway in my dreamland of isolation, yet at the same time alway wish that some1 can pull me out of this dream.

To slim down to a healthy weight range before June 2009

Hot weather

Weapons of the Intel


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